
Happy Birthday Boris!

 1920’s silent film publicity photo

  Frankenstein (1931)

The Mummy (1932)

The Mask of Fu Manchu (1932)

The Black Cat(1934)

The Walking Dead (1936)

Charlie Chan at the Opera (1936)

as Captain Hook on Broadway (1950)

The Grinch (1966)

Boris Karloff
William Henry Pratt 
(November 23, 1887 – February 2,1969)


Da Vinci's Viola Organista

The Viola Organista was designed by Leonardo Da Vinci and built by Slawomir Zubrzycki.
 ‘‘This instrument has the characteristics of three we know: the harpsichord, the organ and the viola da gamba" says Slawomir Zubrzycki.

Sadly Da Vinci never got to hear his invention, but you can here!

Iggy Says...


On This Day in 1992


Bram Stoker's Dracula was released November 13th, 1992.

Directed by Francis Ford Coppola, Dracula (1992) also incorporated practical special effects.

Dracula himself was portrayed by master character actor Gary Oldman.


St. Mary’s Graveyard

Dracula takes Lucy Westenra, during the night, to St. Mary’s Church, Whitby, in Bram Stoker’s classic novel.


Only Pictures Remain

Alexander Korzer-Robinson
Eviscerating text and whitespace- leaving only the images.


I Don't Mind the Gray

The Cure
at Voodoo Music + Arts Festival
Nov 3, 2013
Photo by Joshua Brasted